Ohrid PPO opens investigation into the coronavirus-related death of the 66-year-old woman


The Ohrid Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into the death of the 66-year-old woman, who was the fourth fatality of the coronavirus pandemic in the country.

“According to initial information, after the patient’s conditions rapidly deteriorated, her family doctor said that she must be admitted to the Ward for Infectious Diseases of the Ohrid Hospital. Despite the doctor’s orders, she wasn’t hospitalized,” prosecutors said in a statement, adding that facts would be established to determine if it was a case of criminal liability.

The 66-year-old woman from the Struga region died on Saturday. She tested positive for the coronavirus together with her husband Friday morning, says the Health Ministry on Saturday. She was the fourth coronavirus fatality in the country.

She had pre-existing medical conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and chronic lung disease.

According to her interview with epidemiologists, the family of the deceased paid a visit as guests to Debar before it was put on lockdown on March 13. There, they had a contact with an infected person, a local doctor. After finding out that he was tested positive, the family went into home isolation,” the statement reads.

After starting to show symptoms, it adds, the woman scheduled a coronavirus testing through her family doctor. A sample was taken on March 26 and she got her test results back the next day.

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