Mickoski: The Government uses inflation to collect more money from citizens and businesses and spend it on tête-à-tête contracts


According to the Budget that they proposed for the next year, they predict inflation of 7.7% and economic growth of 2.9% of GDP. And based on these two parameters, they base the assumption that they will collect more than 400 million euros in the Budget. The Government uses inflation to collect more money from citizens and businesses and spend it on tête-à-tête contracts, VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski told the media during his visit to Zrnovci on Wednesday.

“What is more concerning is that they base the growth of revenues in the Budget on the fact that they will collect more money through taxes from the citizens who will continue to pay for more expensive products, bread, cheese, oil, flour, sugar, etc. This is how they will run the economy”, added the opposition leader.

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