VMRO – DPMNE: The government’s measures are overdue and with an incorrect assessment


The government’s measures have been delayed and misjudged, according to VMRO-DPMNE, adding that the economy is heading for an abyss and the government is not doing anything, while the quasi-measures announced have left tens of thousands of workers without help.

“The government’s passivity has already left more than 20 percent of the country’s employees unemployed. “If there is no substantial help for the business, there will be an economic cataclysm with mass layoffs and closures of companies.”

In the field of health, say the VMRO-DPMNE, doctors are fighting without proper protective equipment. The government did not provide protective equipment and allowed more than 10 percent of those infected to be doctors.
“The amateurism of the government must stop. Citizens expect a more serious approach.”

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