GERB will alert the EU about Bulgarian MEP Kovatchev’s ban to enter the country


“On St. George’s Day, when we honor the memory of fallen soldiers for our homeland, the authorities of the Republic of North Macedonia did an unprecedented act and did not allow the head of the GERB-SDS group to enter the EPP, Andrey Kovatchev, who is also the spokesperson of the EPP group in the European Parliament responsible for the enlargement of the EU and the Western Balkans. Such impermissible measures, as well as all actions in recent months against other Bulgarian citizens or against citizens of RSM who openly declare their Bulgarian identity, in no way contribute to the European integration of the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as to the development of good neighborly relations between both countries,” reads the post on GERB’s official Facebook page.
The event in which Kovatchev and Vrabevski were supposed to participate is a memorial service in Novo Selo on the occasion of the St. George’s Day. The Bulgarian MFA announced yesterday that the event has traditionally been organized in Strumica for years by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje, the Consulate General of Bulgaria in Bitola and the “Bulgarian Memory” Foundation.

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