Escobar wants the opposition to support the EU path, not PM Kovachevski, but they are worried about corruption in the region


We are not asking the opposition to support the prime minister. We are asking the opposition to support North Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic path, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said in an interview with the Voice of America released on Sunday.

Expressing hope that parties across the political spectrum would vote for the constitutional changes required so North Macedonia could continue the negotiations with the EU, Escobar told VOA that the country needed to move forward as quickly as possible.

The US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State also said he would like the opposition to show their commitment to the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration. The credibility of the enlargement process depends on North Macedonia, he said, pointing out that the country had met all conditions to move forward in the process.

“And I think that everyone, both in the European Union and in North Macedonia’s political structures, should do all they can to make this happen,” Escobar said.

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