Spasenovski: Support of 80 MPs speaks of the magnitude of the election victory, citizens expect a different leadership


The talks between VMRO-DPMNE as the absolute winner of these elections and the Worth It coalition, in my opinion, have really extremely positive dynamics. They started right after the end of the parliamentary elections and the presidential elections and we see that with a calm pace until today and now we are already on the threshold where we see that it is a matter of hours or days when the new political coalition will be announced that will manage the institutions of the state power, said Aleksandar Spasenovski in an interview with Alfa TV.

Spasenovski stresses that the support of 80 MPs speaks of the magnitude of the victory in the double elections, and that the country is expecting a new era and development of the institutions.

“Another aspect is related to the position of the Albanian opposition – the Worth It coalition in relation to DUI as one of the longest lasting parties in power, if we analyze DUI it is almost a permanent ruling party. With the ZNAM movement, this political coalition with three dominant parties Worth It, VMRO-DPMNE and ZNAM which have other smaller groups of parties behind them will count more than 80 MPs, a two-thirds majority, two-thirds support speaks volumes because it speaks of the magnitude of the victory. This situation says that the country is expecting a new era in which there will be many different moves and steps than those that were taken before,” said Spasenovski.

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