Mucunski: We are not violating the Prespa Agreement, challenges must be resolved through “cool-headed” dialogue


There was almost no interest in discussing the Prespa Agreement at the NATO Summit in Washington, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mucunski in an interview with Kanal 5 TV Thursday evening.

Asked if any attempts had been made to meet with the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Washington, he said neither side had initiated any meetings.

“Of course, the two countries’ prime ministers will have to meet in the future,” Mucunski said.

“We are neighbors, neighbors who should cooperate, who should have many plans to address challenges regarding the economy, trade, opening of new border crossings,” the FM said.

Mucunski said the new government was honoring the Prespa Agreement, and added that all challenges had to be resolved, both with Greece and Bulgaria, through “cool-headed” dialogue.

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