PRO: VAT refund payout will start next week


The Public Revenue Office (PRO) announced on Saturday that the payment of the VAT refund will begin next week through the Ministry of Finance. As stated in the press release, immediately after the appointment of a new director in the PRO, a Commission for the improvement of VAT processes was established.

“The PRO has not established a centralized VAT refund management that would ensure consistency of analyzes and approaches of regional directorates. It also does not use a system for automatic cross-checking of data, and in some of the regional directorates, the positions for approving VAT returns have not been filled. This Commission made a detailed analysis and singled out refund requests that were previously approved, which were judged to have a certain degree of risk and should be inspected by taxpayers. For the rest of the amounts, which were previously approved, the refund will be paid from next week,” said the PRO.

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