Nine of Saturday’s 30 wildfires still active on Sunday


Nine of the 30 wildfires burning on Saturday are still active, six have been localized and prevented from spreading, and 15 have been completely extinguished, according to the Crisis Management Center.

According to CMC head Stojanche Angelov on Sunday morning, there is still a risk of extinguished fires flaring up, so potential hot spots need to be monitored.

Firefighters on Sunday are tackling the wildfires in the Municipality of Chashka, near the villages of Gabrovnik, Mokreni, Jabolchishte, Drenovo, and Lisec mountain.

One police helicopter and one military helicopter are taking part in the firefighting efforts, together with locals and 55 army members.

Going west to the fire in the neighboring municipality of Makedonski Brod, near the village of Tazhevo toward the village of Breznica, an army helicopter will be dropping water, with firefighters and 30 troops battling the blazes on the ground.


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