Rating agency won tenders worth over EUR 900,000 while SDSM was in power


Instead of worrying about its own disaster, SDS wants to manipulate the citizens through expensive PR with accumulated lies and fabrications. While they were destroying the state, the Rating agency, owned by Nikola Spasov, during the period when the SDS was in power, this agency won tenders with a total value of over 900,000 euros, VMRO-DPMNE MP, EC member and pasty spokesperson Marija Miteva told a press briefing on Sunday.

“The Rating agency received over 16,000 euros from the City of Skopje in 2020, but also 4,500 euros from the Municipality of Karposh. In 2021, it got 15,000 euros from the Ohrid Municipality. In the same year, Rating received 60,000 euros from the Health Ministry, headed by Venko Filipche. Furthermore, in August of that same year, Spasov won a tender worth 300,000 euros from the Government. In 2022, however, he received over 420,000 euros from the Government for the promotion of Macedonian wine in Belgrade. In December of the same year, Spasov won a tender of 50,000 euros from the Ministry of Finance and another one of 100,000 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Miteva pointed out.



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