Zaev went to events in Macedonia using a state helicopter, government plane was used 25 days a month, says VMRO-DPMNE


Out of 30 days, the government plane was used by the ministers of DUI and SDS for 25 days. Even for flights to Nish, Serbia. This utilization of the government plane has now contributed to a service costing 1 million euros, which will be paid for from the citizens’ budget. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that Zaev went to events in Macedonia with a state helicopter, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Sunday.

The ruling party emphasizes that SDS shows again that it does not have any vision or idea for the future of Macedonia. Their empty words and meaningless accusations cannot cover up their incompetence and corruption. Because of this attitude, it experienced a historic defeat and is rapidly sinking towards complete irrelevance. During the period when they were in power, Macedonia witnessed unprecedented economic stagnation, mass emigration of young people and continuous scandals.


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