Mickoski and the ministers’ trip to Washington cost about EUR 20 thousand, claims SDSM


SDSM spokesperson Bogdanka Kuzeska accused at a press briefing that Prime Minister Hristijan Mickosi and the ministers accompanying him spent almost 20 thousand euros on the trip to Washington.

The spokesperson added that a business class ticket was ordered for Mickoski, the price of a return ticket was MKD 237,072 or EUR 4,000.

“To make the scandal even bigger, it is not the cheapest ticket that has been paid for this trip. So, the ticket of the Minister of Defense Vlado Misajlovski was paid as much as 280,000 denars, and the other two tickets, for Panche Toshkovski and Timcho Mucunski, cost about 4,500 euros each,” Kuzeska said.


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