Previous government borrowed EUR 550 million from EBRD for a railway that ends in a tunnel with no exit


We had a problem with some of the commitments that we knew we couldn’t fulfill. Our file is closed and we are now waiting for approval from the European Commission, because some of the projects undertaken by the previous government do not occur to me to continue implementing them. It does not occur to me as prime minister to spend 550 million euros for a railway that ends in a dead end half way through the tunnel, with no foreseeable future as it will continue to the Black Sea, on the basis of a red flag, which means that with penalties it can reach 750 million euros, said Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with Telma TV, regarding the EU funds that are planned for the country.

The PMadded that in the growth plan, the ministers Murtezani, Mucunski, Bozhinovska, Andonovski, Kochovska-Dimitrievska and Nikoloski have completed the country’s file in two weeks, something that the previous government failed to do for two years.

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