Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE’s position on constitutional amendments is clear – no ultimatums


VMRO-DPMNE’s position is principled and clear regarding the constitutional amendments, and its stance is well known to Europe and the entire world, said party leader and Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski on Thursday.
“No, VMRO-DPMNE is not operating under deadlines and ultimatums. Our position is principled and clear, and Europe and the whole world know that. It was also in the party’s election program. We got votes from the citizens, we didn’t get votes as a result of ultimatums. That’s not how I work, neither does VMRO-DPMNE,” said Mickoski.
“We as a state and as a political party have a clear position related to Bulgaria’s attitude towards the Macedonian community there. We have 14 judgments from the Court of Human Rights, which refer to the Macedonian community, and none of them have been implemented. We should start from there. One cannot start from the third step, one has to start from the first step. Let’s start from there, let’s not talk about promises, which are impossible. Here are these 14 rulings, we don’t have to implement all of them, some of them. That is our position related to that issue,” Mickoski said.

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