We will adopt new Criminal Code in line with European standards, says Mickoski


Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski responded to SDSM leader Venko Filipche’s statement calling for the Government to adopt the Criminal Code which the previous Government has drafted, stressing that a new Criminal Code will be adopted, but in line with European standards and not someone’s needs.
Regarding the theses for a new Criminal Code, Prime Minister Mickoski asked if the former officials of the SDSM will return the stolen money that they have been stealing for the past seven years, because as he said there are many criminal acts that have become obsolete and based on that they are demanding damages and receive from the state budget.
“Let’s start with the thesis that they created a new Criminal Code. What do we do with those acts that have expired and for which you, the citizens, pay damages because those acts have expired. Will they return the stolen money that they have been stealing for these seven years, because you now have works that have become obsolete and on the basis of that they demand compensation and receive it from the state budget. We will introduce a new law, it is true that we have no problem with introducing a new law. But that law will be in line with European standards, not someone’s needs. And that’s why I’m surprised that professors also participate in these statements, I’ve heard them and I really can’t understand why they persistently did not learn the lesson of the mistakes they made in the past,” said Mickoski.

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