Bulgaria attacks all three pillars of Macedonia on which its identity is based


Former Deputy Minister of Education in the Government of Zoran Zaev, Petar Atanasov, in his interview with TV Alfa Tuesday evening, said that Bulgaria attacks the pillars of the Macedonian national identity, and the most extreme attacks the pillar of Goce Delchev and The Ilinden Uprising. According to Atanasov, if that pillar is attacked, we not only lose Goce Delchev, but we lose VMRO as well.

“Sociologically, our modern identity as a state is based on three pillars. These three pillars are very clear and clean. Our national identity, our nation is based on the myth of Ilinden where the main exponent is Goce Delchev as a myth, as a person who fought for Macedonia, who built it all, and started that struggle. Then there is the second pillar – the partisans, the Communist Party, the victory in World War II, on the side of the victors against fascism. And the third pillar is what we call the people, ethnic identity, the past what we carry with us as an ethnic mark, as folklore, here are two crucial elements that give us uniqueness in that Balkan national agenda, and that is the language above all the Macedonian language and the church,” Atanasov stressed.

Atanasov added that Bulgaria is attacking all three pillars of Macedonia on which our identity is based.

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