Saturday, April 20, 2024
According to the data on the movement of prices on the HUPX stock exchange in Hungary during yesterday, the average hourly price of one megawatt hour of electricity (baseload) is 239.81 euros/mwh. The price of electricity during daytime hours (8 am -8 pm (peakload) reached a level of 276.94 euros...
While managing the energy crisis economically, we have to monitor what is happening on the market and if the market has electricity whose market price is lower than the production one, it cannot be allowed to produce it at a higher price. That’s why a temporary electricity import is...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview with the "Espresso with Zlatev and Bocevski" political show, stressed that block 1 in REK Bitola is not working since this morning, and even more important and concerning is that the hydroelectric power plants are at the level of 18 percent. “Here is...
Block 1 of REK Bitola was disconnected from the electricity system Thursdaynight around midnight. The ESM informs that it is a planned shutdown for the purpose of rehabilitation of the condenser and part of the pipeline system in the plant. All steps have been taken in order for the intervention to...
The purchase of tobacco from the year's harvest has begun. Four purchasing companies out of the 10 registered in the country have opened their points. This year's harvest is agreed at over 25,000 tons, but it is expected to be smaller. The tobacco farmers are on the scales and say...
With the latest measures to ensure more affordable electricity for the food industry, we expect the prices of bread, milk, flour and other basic food products to drop by 10 percent in an attempt to protect the citizens’ living standard, Macedonian Prime Minister DimitarKovachevskitold a press conference on Wednesday. At...
AD ESM has no legal basis to give direct subsidies to AD Skopje Sever, but it can only help through a business-technical cooperation agreement, which the private entity refuses to sign. If AD Skopje Sever does not want to accept the same conditions that apply to all other entities,...
While we are listening to the praises of the Government of "our country" about how much energy the state company ELEM produced, the new transformer for the third block in REK Bitola would be late with the delivery due to some transport problems, said VMRO-DPMNE on Monday. AD ELEM concluded...
Fahrudin Hamidi, president of the Management Board and Executive Director in SVN in M ​​NAV, appointed by the Government, is paid 345,000 denars per month. For one year it is 4,140,000 denars, and for a mandate of 4 years 16,560,000 denars. If this amount is divided by 18,000 denars,...
AD ESM provided the necessary amount of natural gas for the operation of the East and West heating plants for the period November 16-30, 2022. The gas is provided by Makpetrol at a price of 1345 euros for 1000 nm3. AD ESM will continue to make gas purchases for shorter...