MOC renames to OCHM and amends the Statute in favor of Olympic sports


The Macedonian Olympic Committee today is officially the Olympic Committee of
North Macedonia with a decision made at the Assembly of this sports organization.

The statute of the organization has also changed and new members of parliament
have been voted. Olympic sports have long sought a greater role in the Olympic
Committee, and the change was made in coordination with the International Olympic
Committee (IOC).

With the new decisions, the Assembly will have 53 members in the future, with the
majority (29) coming from Olympic sports federations and 24 other delegates.

Vasil Tupurkovski, who has been chairman of the Olympic Committee since its
formation in 1992, remains in office with the opposition at least until the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics. The vice-presidents are the head of the Macedonian boxing, Primislav
Dimovski and the president of the basketball federation, Pero Antic.

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