VMRO-DPMNE with package of economic measures for young people to stay in the country


The emphasis in the VMRO-DPMNE program is on the economy, in order to reduce
unemployment, especially among young people, and thus stay in Macedonia.
According to experts, a set of measures is needed to improve the economic
situation, as the brain drain from Macedonia is huge and youth unemployment is
over 45%.
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski announced a package of measures for
citizens and businesses, pledged to work so that young people would have better
living conditions, and made promises related to them.
-We are committed to a renewal that will bring more work for young people, 0%
personal tax for young people up to 29 years of age. This would mean a personal
income tax exemption for young people up to 29 years of age with annual net
income of up to 6.5 thousand euros, said Mickoski.

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