Journalist puts entire government at risk of coronavirus


Journalist Saso Ordanovski caused an incident at today’s government briefing, Lider
learns from sources that attended the meeting.
The government called a closed briefing today to discipline journalists. According to
Lider’s source, Ordanoski shocked the present journalists, Minister Filipce and Prime
Minister Spasovski.

Something unthinkable happened, during a discussion Saso Ordanoski said he had
a contact with a female person from Italy two weeks ago. He said he was tested a
week ago and the test was negative. Spasovski and Filipce were shocked, but it was
not discussed further, Lider’s source said.
The event shows great irresponsibility for Ordanovski, but also for the government
and the crisis team. As the incubation period of coronavirus sometimes exceeds 20
days, this means that Ordanovski, who was not quarantined, endangered everyone

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