There is no harm to the state if children don’t take the final exam this year


Vesna Janevska, chair of the Education Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, offers a concrete proposal to the Minister of Education. She demands that this year, in the interest of students and future students, the graduation final exam be skipped.

– Children need to skip the graduation exam. The ordinance is supposed to abolish graduation this year, and it is not invented, but it is in much more organized countries. The graduation exam can be canceled, the faculties will again have to get their children enrolled in the faculties for those who wish to continue their education with the grades of the school. And for graduation as an idea, we can think about canceling it in the future when everything settles down, but now is not the time. Organized countries like England, the Netherlands are giving up the graduation exam, if someone insists on being evaluated abroad it will be very difficult this year, but hopefully it will be achievable. There will be no great harm to the state if the children do not pass the exam this year, they will have great harm if they do not continue their education further, said Janevska.

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