30 new coronavirus cases in Macedonia, total number rises to 384


30 new patients have tested positive for coronavirus in Macedonia over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 384, the Health Ministry said Thursday.

Of these, 12 new cases were registered in Skopje, eight in Kumanovo, nine in Prilep and one in Kriva Palanka.

Thus far, COVID-19 cases have been registered in Skopje (195), Kumanovo (62), Debar (47), Shtip (15), Prilep (21), Tetovo (13), Struga (9), Veles (6), Bitola (4), Ohrid (3), Kavadarci (2), Gostivar (1), Gevgelija (2), Strumica (1), Kriva Palanka (2), and Kochani (1).

In the past 24 hours, 342 people were tested for the coronavirus. Of these, 177 people were tested through the Institute for Public Health, 20 people through the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 21 through the Avicena lab, 24 through the Biotek lab, 100 through the Zhan Mitrev Clinic.

A total of 4.117 COVID-19 tests have been carried out so far.

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