The whole world is fighting against COVID-19, only Macedonia fights against SDSM’s fake news


"In an era when everyone is fighting against Covid-19, we must fight the fake news
spread by SDSM… We live times when the citizens are rightfully frightened, when
the authorities who should protect us are not adequately protected, and SDSM
manipulates and spreads fake news. Denials, ladies and gentlemen of your
announcements, from the Prime Minister of a member state of the European Union
and NATO. How embarrassing and pitiful…
It doesn't matter how much we help, it is important to help and save the citizens,
while you label, belittle, underestimate and spread lies… Long live Macedonia!",
Wrote VMRO DPMNE Spokesperson Dimce Arsovski on his Facebook profile, after
yesterday The defense ministry said the aid that arrived on Friday was sent at
Macedonia's request, as part of the EU's Civil Protection Mechanism, and as part of
a coordination of NATO allies.
But to make things clearer, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa posted on Twitter
that Macedonia's aid had been sent after a telephone conversation he had with
VMRO DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.

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