Businesses demand greater transparency for more accurate conclusions on economic measures


In the same way, as every day the number of newly infected, deceased or recovered people from the coronavirus is reported, to be informed about which economic measures are available at the moment and how they are used, proposes the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

The Economic Chamber said that greater transparency will lead to more accurate conclusions on economic measures to overcome the crisis. According to a statement from the Chamber, the public is still debating whether and to what extent the government’s economic measures have so far helped companies.

“The number of submitted and approved requests for use of each individual economic measure and the total effect of their use would be reported. In short, such transparency will provide insight into how the measure is being implemented,” the Chamber said.

According to the Chamber, with such a good analytical basis for the degree of utilization of available economic measures, combined with precise daily monitoring, it will be much easier to draw timely and relevant conclusions about the measures themselves and the possible need to supplement, change etc.

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