Three cities under quarantine


Leaving home only as a last resort, in a market or pharmacy only one member of the
family, are the tightened measures adopted by the government after the increased
number of cobweb-19 patients in Prilep, Kumanovo and Tetovo.
These are three major municipalities in the country, in which the number of
confirmed infections with coronavirus is almost half of the total number of patients in
In these three municipalities, every time they leave their homes, the citizens will have
to wear a protective mask, scarf or shawl. As of today, organized transportation of
passengers is prohibited, ie a ban on entry and exit to the area.

As reported by the Government, the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the
municipal crisis headquarters was also tasked. prepare a special operational plan for
the presence and action of police members in the municipalities of Kumanovo, Prilep
and Tetovo, through the use of reinforced patrols and increased police presence, the
use of megaphone equipment from police vehicles in public places and areas, in
order to control compliance with decisions, measures and recommendations.

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