Election to be held as soon as coronavirus situation is stable, says Deputy PM Sekerinska


Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Radmia Sekerinska said Thursday during a visit to Negotino that Parliamentary election will be held as soon as the coronavirus situation in North Macedonia is stable and underlined that public health is more important than political interests.

She added that the upcoming leaders’ meeting should serve as an opportunity not to haggle over election dates, but make decisions that will benefit country and citizens.

“We proved from the very beginning of the epidemic that human life and health are priceless. We were one of the first countries to implement strict measure and prevent a situation like the one in Italy and Spain. Disregarding politics, we made public health a priority. State activities have resumed uninterrupted, unfortunately without the Parliament. The government does not want to take advantage of the situation to enjoy unlimited power, so as soon as the coronavirus situation is stable, we want to hold an election. Now is not the time to pursuit political interests. I call on all political parties to be guided by the same principles,” said Minister Sekerinska.

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