Elections in June are mission impossible


There is no chance that the elections will be held in June, regardless of the wishes of
the political parties, the election code is clear. There must be a space for organizing

the elections at least 50 days after they are scheduled, head of the State Election
Commission Oliver Derkovski told Sitel TV.
Derkovski says that in addition to 20 days for the campaign, an additional 30 days
are needed to repeat the process of updating the voter list and the candidacy
Regarding the announcement that the elections could be held with citizens wearing
face masks, Derkovski said that the authorities should know that such a procedure
will require much greater logistics, and it is questionable how voters will be identified
if they hide their faces behind masks during the entire voting process.
If health authorities give green light, and the political leaders agree over the next
week and the elections are called after the state of emergency, according to the law,
the elections could be scheduled on July 5, or July 12 at the earliest.

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