VMRO-DPMNE: Macedonia will first beat the coronavirus, and then will defeat Zaev and Filipce


The government is managing the coronavirus epidemic extremely badly. Instead of
dealing with the health of the citizens, Venko Filipce deals with the dictates of Zoran
Zaev, who is in a hurry to mitigate the impending defeat, VMRO-DPMNE stated in a
press release Saturday.
– Instead of the epidemic subsiding, as in most countries in the region, the virus is
spreading in Macedonia. 17 new cases and two deaths in 24 hours were recorded.
Additionally, chaos is evident, so people who have died of coronavirus are hidden,
and are released after a day or two under public pressure. Citizens who are tested
for coronavirus wait for days for results, and it often happens that their results are
lost and then tested again. Due to the incompetence of the government and the party
calculations of Zaev and Filipce, Macedonia is the country that least tests citizens in
the region, and is a record for the mortality of one million inhabitants, more than
Albania, Bulgaria and Greece together, VMRO-DPMNE said.
In a party statement, they said the government's confusion cost human lives. The
confusion is evidenced by the fact that due to the bad indicators of epidemiological
analyzes, the state of emergency is required to be extended, and on the other hand,
we insist on quick elections in which the defeat at the cost of health would be
– The life of the citizens is more important than the political career of Zaev and
Filipce. First, Macedonia will win the coronavirus, and then it will defeat Zaev and
Filipce in the elections, reads the statement released by VMRO-DPMNE.

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