Domestic payment cards are a classic pre-election bribe, accuses VMRO-DPMNE



Zoran Zaev and Nina Angelovska are conducting a classic pre-election bribe with the so-called domestic payment cards, accused VMRO-DPMNE.

“The public does not know by what criteria the cards will be distributed, nor who will decide who will get which and who will not. There is a lot of room for manipulation and classic bribery of citizens before the elections. Instead of the so-called social measures, the Government should have really helped the businessmen and workers by covering part of their salaries as proposed by VMRO-DPMNE.

The government’s measures are overdue and are of no help. Instead of bribing, VMRO-DPMNE calls on to the government at this time to focus on repairing the damage caused by the crisis for companies and workers. The measures for the economy should be valid for both July and August. VMRO DPMNE is different from SDSM.”With SDSM and Zaev, we have gained a hybrid regime of incompetence, crime and poverty,” the party said in a statement.

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