VMRO-DPMNE: DUI wants elections on July 5 because it fears the will of the Albanian diaspora


Artan Grubi from DUI in tonight’s guest appearance on TV 24 said that he hoped that all parties would participate in the elections on July 5.

– The position of VMRO-DPMNE was July 15, and July 5 is our compromise solution. I think everyone will go to the polls because they can’t afford not to go to the polls, which are actually recognized by the institutions and are being monitored by the OSCE and the ODIHR,” Grubi said.

We demanded VMRO-DPMNE’s stand on Grubi’s statement that the party was seeking elections on July 15th.

– We will not go into it, and validate such inaccurate statements, but what is true is that DUI wants elections on July 5, and not in the middle or at the end of the month because it fears the will of the Albanian diaspora that is massively returning to Macedonia in that undesirable period for DUI. VMRO-DPMNE has a clear position from the beginning that it is necessary to protect the health of citizens and to provide minimum conditions for a fair and democratic election process with quality monitoring, the party responded.

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