11 deaths, 185 new COVID-19  cases


The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours 1364 tests were carried out and 185 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in: Skopje-96, Kumanovo-2, Debar-18, Stip-4, Prilep-1, Tetovo-14, Struga-20, Veles-2, Bitola-2, Ohrid-7, Kavadarci-2, Gostivar-2, Kriva Palanka-1, Probistip-1, Sveti Nikole-2, Kicevo-3, Resen-8.

The Institute of Public Health registered 41 recovered patients from: Skopje-29, Kumanovo-1, Stip-4, Tetovo-2, Veles-4, Gostivar-1.

Eleven people died, eight from Skopje, one patient from Kumanovo, one from Stip and one from Tetovo.

Eight patients (53) hospitalized on June 17, patient (66) hospitalized on June 5, patient (67) hospitalized on June 15, patient (65 years old) admitted on June 10, patient (73) died at the CGH September 8 hospitalized on June 9, patient (62) hospitalized on June 15, patient (65) hospitalized on June 13, and a patient aged 76.

A patient (78) hospitalized on June 12 died in GH Kumanovo. A patient (63) who died on June 18 died in KB Stip, and a patient (62) died in Tetovo, confirmed positive on June 17.

The total number of cases diagnosed in the country since the beginning of the epidemic is 5005, the number of recovering patients is 1904, the death toll is 233, and currently the number of active cases is 2868.

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