All election violations will be punished severely by the police, no matter which party is responsible, says Interior Minister


The main emphasis should be on preventing all kinds of election violations, which will be severely sanctioned, regardless which political party is responsible. Emphasis should be put on the development of operational plans for prevention of bribery, threats and blackmail against voters, in exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote, said Interior Minister Nake Culev during his working visit to Veles and  Kavadarci.

In a statement for the media, he said he had been informed by colleagues that there was a tendency to reduce classic crime, which is commendable.

Our main goal is having peaceful, safe, fair and democratic elections. I was informed that all operational activities are being undertaken and all polling stations will be covered with a sufficient number of police officers. Additional police officers were also requested, due to insufficient number in this area. We, as the Ministry of Interior, will meet their needs,” Culev said.

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