Ahmeti for Die Presse: It is time for an Albanian Prime Minister


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti in an interview with Die Presse expressed confidence that the first Albanian Prime Minister will be elected. We are doing this not do to divide the country, but to unite it, says Ahmeti.

“We, the Albanians, are equal citizens of North Macedonia and we contribute a lot to the country. Now is a historic moment to lead the country. It is time for an Albanian prime minister. We are not doing this to divide the country, but to unite it. Nothing bad will happen to the country. This did not happen either when an Albanian first became Minister of Defense, and another became Minister of Interior, and when an Albanian was elected Speaker of Parliament. The Parliament Speaker managed to reduce the differences between the two Macedonian parties. A prime minister independent of the parties is our next step,” says Ahmeti.

According to him, if their idea is supported by the citizens, then the Macedonian parties will have to accept an Albanian prime minister.

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