International project for health protection of children in the cross-border region with Greece


In order to increase the health care and preventive action in children with cardio and respiratory sensitivity, in the cross-border regions around Bitola and the neighboring municipalities in northern Greece, with funds from the European Union through the Interreg program, screening and mapping of children from the age of 6 to 12 in both countries.

Due to the increased air pollution, the youngest population is attacked, which is why it is necessary to detect these diseases in a timely manner, say the organizers of “Sphere International”. Today, they promoted the project on the Magnolija square in Bitola, and have already procured sophisticated software equipment and a pediatric vehicle that will be donated to the Clinical Hospital.

“About 600 children have been covered so far in the scan, and smart-devices are being set up to monitor them with all the anomalies that will appear through the software. Then the data is sent to the Clinic,” said Milcho Duli, president of Sphere International.

From the Greek side, the screening is also in its final stage. Otherwise, opposite REK “Bitola”, the Greek thermal power plants in Ptolemaida, Kozani and Ovcharani, produce seven times more electricity with a huge emission of harmful gases. At least in Bitola, the black statistics show one cancer patient per day, and on average, once a week breast cancer is diagnosed in Bitola women.

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