VMRO-DPMNE announces staffing changes after the change of the Statute


The elections are over, and the starting positions for negotiations for forming a new government between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM are unified, both parties have 46 MPs each and everything else depends on the position of the Macedonian Albanian parties and with whom they will decide to form a coalition, primarily DUI and the Alliance/Alternativa coalition.

Immediately after the elections, VMRO-DPMNNE took the expected steps, changed the statute into several very important provisions that are applied for the first time to the Macedonian political parties in general, and that is giving great autonomy and independence in deciding the party base. Now, after receiving great rights for decisions, the municipal organizations, or committees of VMRO-DPMNE, are initiating staffing changes that follow. Namely, the party is planning rapid staffing changes, introducing new officials, at almost all levels in VMRO-DPMNE.

These changes are meant to instill greater trust in the projects of the party at the local and central level, especially if VMRO-DPMNE enters the next Government, and as it prepares for the coming municipal elections in 2021, the party said.


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