148 migrants found by the police in two separate cases


Macedonian police found a total of 148 migrants hidden in two trucks on Tuesday.

Police patrol stopped Audi car with Skopje license plates and Mercedes-Benz truck with Bitola license plates near the town of Demir Kapija. The truck driver who fled the scene, was found shortly afterwards, police said on Wednesday.

103 migrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Egypt, Iran and Syria were discovered in the truck.

Two suspects were detained, while the migrants were transferred to a shelter transit center in Gevgelija.

Border police also stopped a truck with Skopje license plates near the village of Vaksince, Lipkovo region. The truck driver fled the scene.

Authorities said that truck was carrying 45 migrants from Syria, Bangladesh, Somalia, Pakistan and the Palestinian territories. The migrants were transferred to Tabanovce shelter transit center.

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