Dimovski: The Ministry of Education and Science does not have a basic plan, let alone a backup one


There was time, but there is no more. The Ministry of Education and Science is usually late, very late with the protocols and decisions, and that is why our education is like that, says Vlado Dimovski of the Center for Tolerance and Lifelong Learning, in an interview with Radio Free Europe.

Dimovski says that now, after the opinion and conclusion of the health commission, “MES should immediately offer a solution to have at least some time to make some preparation, otherwise with this pace of offering solutions the school year will begin in January 2021 year, and the question is whether it will begin even then.”

Dimovski says that the preparations for the beginning of the school year 2020/21 should have started in May, when it was already known that there would be no vacations outside Macedonia.

Teachers working from home would have had time to prepare, and would have given various suggestions for improving education, but no one cares about them.

“In my opinion, the Ministry of Education and Science does not have a basic plan, let alone a backup one”, says Dimovski.

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