Opposition to soon decide whether it will boycott the government election session


Аsked where the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski was and why he has not appeared at any press conferences after an agreement was reached on a government coalition, and how do those who demand his resignation comment, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimce Arsovski replied that party leader Mickoski was present and completing his daily responsibilities.

“On whether VMRO-DPMNE will vote or boycott the session for election of the Government, I would just like to add that this is an unpopular, criminal government with transitional staff that certainly does not have VMRO-DPMNE’s confidence because it is one of the most criminal governments with the most criminal staff, and the most worn-out transition staff that the Republic of Macedonia has. But, you will be informed about the decision on the day of vote,” said Arsovski.

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