Revolt in DUI’s Tetovo branch


The formation of government did not calm down the DUI branch in Tetovo. According to party sources for the Albanian language media, now that the ministerial posts have been divided, the situation in the Tetovo branch has heated up for the division of posts from the second and third echelon of government.

The process of “selecting” the most serious candidates for mayors in next year’s local elections has also begun, when incumbent Mayor TeutaArifi is expected to step down and not fight for a new term.

GazetaLajm sources say that part of the branch does not like the growth of the rating of the president of the branch, Florin Besimi.

But he is also dissatisfied with the fact that he had to be “sacrificed” because of his brotherFatmirBesimi, so he had to return his MP mandate.

All these conflicts will probably end with changes in the party hierarchy in the branch, probably with only a few exceptions.

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