VMRO DPMNE: The announcement of a new set of measures of Zaev’s mafia is a cover for new theft


After SDSM increased the debt by 1 billion euros and instead of that money to go to support business conducted a brutal bribe and Taliban elections now shamefully announces a new package of measures, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Sunday.

“In fact, the incompetent government of Zaev lied about the measures from the previous package where he promised and did not fulfill a VAT-free weekend, promised and did not fulfill 150 million euros of support for small and medium enterprises, promised and did not fulfill interest-free loans with 30 percent grant, promised and did not fulfill state loan guarantee, etc. They promised and did not fulfill it because Zaev’s mafia stole the money. The coronavirus crisis serves as a cover for Zaev and the mafia to continue stealing. The new set of measures announced by Zaev after he did not realize the previous ones are nothing but a cover for stealing while the public will be lied to for helping,” the party pointed out.

VMRO-DPMNE adds the simple question is, they indebted the state for one billion euros, but whom did they help? Let them list one area where there is content and positive results from the measures taken.


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