No negotiations for Goce Delchev, we have created a state based on him


There is are negotiations for Goce Delchev and the Macedonian language, it is a done deal, it is an acquired right. Goce Delcev is part of our national identity. Based on that character, we have created a state, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with Radio Free Europe.

“Is there a greater humiliation to negotiate and say that our ancestors – my grandmother, my grandfather, my great-grandmother and great-grandfather who died fighting for Macedonia, who spoke Macedonian, to annul it all and erase it, because now someone incompetent politician put that on the negotiating table,” said Mickoski.

“Goce Delchev is part of our Macedonian national anthem, it is part of our national identity. Based on that character, we have created a state.”

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