Macedonian musicians: Government gives to some, takes from others – we were left without income while Serbian and Croatian musicians held concerts


Macedonian musicians will take to the streets on Wednesday due to the latest government measures banning public performances in restaurants and cafes. According to them, it is illogical for the music in the catering facilities to be up to 55 decibels, when a simple conversation takes place at about 60 decibels.

“The biggest problem is not the foreign entertainers, as much as the problem is that those who do not comply with the protocols are not sanctioned. I do not know why this country continues to do this,” said musician Vladimir Blazev – Pancho.

The NUK association of restaurant and cafe owners also reacted to the latest anti-covid measures. They say the government made the decision again without any consultation with the caterers, musicians and chambers. They announced that they will voluntarily shut down their facilities for two weeks.

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