Municipalities spent two million euros on motor vehicles and trucks


The practice of squandering state money on the purchase of official vehicles, in addition to the central, was continued by the local government. In just three years, Macedonian municipalities have spent about two million euros on the purchase of official vehicles and trucks.

According to the data available on the website of this economic research institute, as much as 85 percent of the funds spent were for the purchase of motor vehicles, and only 15 percent for the purchase of trucks.

“Fifty-three out of 81 local self-government units spent funds for this purpose, which indicates that on average one municipality in the period of 3 years spent 2.5 million denars for the purchase of motor vehicles and trucks, of which only 396,797 denars for the purchase of trucks,” reads the analysis.

The municipalities from the Skopje and Pelagonija region spent the most funds for the purchase of motor vehicles in the period from 2017 to 2019, as follows: Skopje region – 47.5 million denars while Pelagonija region – 23 million denars.

The Macedonian Government via the Budget Review allocated about 50 million euros in 2018, money that it allocated to the municipalities to pay part of the debts, and the municipality on the other hand splurged by buying official vehicles.

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