Strong diplomacy and clearly delineated national positions can move the situation for the better


I personally warned of the damage that can happen with the signing of harmful agreements. As early as 2019, I appealed that because of these agreements, Macedonia in the future may face a blockade from its neighbors, to accept a history commission to decide on the future of the country is political amateurism and unacceptable, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with

In the Balkans, where we have always had unresolved historical issues, to accept that a history commission between two countries will have to harmonize a common position on key historical figures, figures on whom the Macedonian state is created is something that can only do harm to your own country. In April, I requested a joint position and preparation of a strategic document that will be binding on all factors in the country and will be used in response to blackmail from the Republic of Bulgaria. Instead, SDSM tried to relativize and ignore the opposition. All these wrong policies that we appealed to have brought Macedonia to a standstill and now we have a serious problem in the European integration of the country, something that is of interest to all citizens. If VMRO-DPMNE now led the government, it would have an open and honest dialogue with the opposition and would do everything to build a national strategy, a common position and use the best minds no matter which party they belong to, because that is what smart and successful countries do, says Nikoloski.

Strong diplomacy, reforms inside the country and an honest relationship with clearly outlined national positions supported by all, can move the situation for the better than what we have at the moment from Zoran Zaev. It also takes a lot to deliver home. Believe me, there will be much more pressure on Bulgaria when Macedonia is a tidy country with a functioning rule of law system. It does not exist and that is why Bulgaria feels free to do what it wants, said Nikoloski.


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