Government: The census will be cheaper and more modern than the previous failed census


The census of population, households and apartments that will be conducted in April 2021 will give all the necessary answers in terms of providing quality statistics that are key to building strategies and policies and for successful and predictable development of the country, said the Government.

They point out that the census is not and must not be a political operation, but an independent statistical operation, organized according to the standards of the United Nations and according to the rules of Eurostat, a statistical operation that we have been missing for almost 20 years.

“The census this year will be conducted with significantly less funds compared to the last unsuccessful census attempt, cheaper than proposed, and is conducted with the most modern tools and technologies. The census is a mandatory activity and a legal obligation for all individuals and households. In the European Commission Report on the Progress of Northern Macedonia, the census is mentioned as an important obligation of our country that needs to be realized. The statistics chapter is one of the chapters of the first cluster in the negotiations with the EU,” informed the Government.

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