10 die, including a 47-year-old patient, 333 new COVID-19 cases


Out of 2,259 COVID-19 tests carried out in N. Macedonia in the past 24 hours, 333 new cases were registered, 268 patients recovered and 10 died, the Health Ministry said on Sunday.

Most of the new cases were registered in Skopje – 182, followed by Kavadarci-22, Kumanovo-20, Ohrid-20, Tetovo-15, Bitola-11, Prilep-9, Negotino-8, Veles-7, Resen-7, Gostivar-6, Gevgelija-4, Strumica-3, Struga-2, Kichevo-2, Sveti Nikole-2, Kriva Palanka-2, Kratovo-2, Shtip-1, Kochani-1, Debar-1, Radovish-1, Berovo-1, Vinica-1, Bogdanci-1, Demir Hisar-1, and Makedonski Brd-1.

The Public Health Institute registered 268 recovered patients from all over the country, the press release reads.

Ten people died, including three from Skopje (aged 85, 70, and 703), two from Kavadarci (90 and 59), one from Shtip (47), one from Veles (59), one from Kochani (79), one from Kumanovo (82), and one from Ohrid (68).

Since the onset of the epidemic, the country has registered 107,163 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 94,729 patients have recovered. Death toll has reached 3,195. At the moment, there are 9,239 active cases across the country.


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