SSM: The minimum wage should be 60 percent of the average


The calculations of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) show that according to the criteria for adjusting the minimum wage in March this year, it should be adjusted by 3.17 percent. However, the Trade Union believes that this is not enough and demands that the minimum wage be increased by 60 percent of the average wage and that it not be less than 16,976 denars. Additionally, emphasized SSM, it would mean a spiral increase in other salaries.

“The minimum net salary is now 14,955 denars, it was increased when the tax exemption in January increased and the minimum salary of 14,934 denars increased by 21 denars. With this adjustment in March 2021 the net minimum wage will increase net by 446 denars (15,401), while the gross minimum wage is now 21,776 denars. With this adjustment, the gross minimum wage will increase by 690 denars (22,466),” said SSM.

SSM adds that the average net salary for December 2020 was 28,294 denars, and the minimum net salary will be 15,401 denars and the minimum salary will cover 54.43 percent of the average salary

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