Pavle Trajanov demands that the census be postponed at least until June or indefinitely


The Democratic Union leader Pavle Trajanov proposed that the census be postponed at least until June or indefinitely, to ensure a political consensus when it would take place, and in the meantime the enumerators to be vaccinated.

“The Democratic Union proposes postponing the census because the epidemiological situation is deteriorating, the virus is spreading, there are many infected, the health facilities are full, the immunization is late. The Macedonian emigrants have not registered yet, many citizens announce that they will not welcome the enumerators in their homes, the opposition parties from the Macedonian bloc demand postponement or boycott of it. All this indicates that the census will not be successful, and the results will give a distorted picture of the situation, especially those of the total population and their ethnicity,” said Trajanov at a press conference.

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