Mickoski: We will not support national concessions with Bulgaria to the detriment of Macedonian identity


We will not support national concessions in the dispute with Bulgaria to the detriment of the Macedonian national symbols, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told Kanal 5 TV’s “Samo intervju”  and added that the dispute should not be a condition for Macedonia’s accession into the EU.

Mickoski stressed that those who promised that this is the last humiliation of this people with the name, should come to apologize to him and do everything to start negotiations to become an EU member.

“If you want to be a player, you don’t just have to say it right from the audience. You will take some of your responsibility. This people and this country have made too many national concessions, given many national concessions. In the 90’s, they stuck us with a name we were ashamed of, they changed our flag, we received verdicts in The Hague, they called us the power of the stronger, we changed the Constitution several times so that in the end they would humiliate us by changing the constitutional name. It’s enough,” Mickoski pointed out.

“We will not support any solution with our eastern neighbor that should be sought outside of Macedonia’s accession process to the European Union, if it includes a national delegation, it should be clear to everyone while I’m the leader of VMRO-DPMNE,” Mickoski concluded.

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