Taseva proposes expanding the investigation into the Rashkovski case: In addition to the necessary criminal and financial investigation


The Prosecutor’s Office should expand the investigation into the case of the former Secretary General of the Government Dragi Rashkovski into the case of the procurement of software for the Ministry of Interior, which he designed himself. In parallel with the criminal investigation, the Prosecution should open a financial investigation into the Rashkovski case, said Slagjana Taseva, head of Transparency International Macedonia and former president of the SCPC, in an interview with TV Alsat’s “360 stepeni” show.

She believes that it is necessary to see where the money from the tender for the procurement of the software for traffic violations went.

“What the Public Prosecutor’s Office can do now, in addition to the check made by the SCPC, they should open a financial investigation in parallel with the criminal investigation. They need to see where did the money from this tender, from this procurement go, what happened? There is a whole strategy for financial investigations,” Taseva said.

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